Thursday, August 20, 2015


This morning I woke up with a hankering for pancakes. My joy was short lived as I realized I didn't have milk or eggs. I did, however, from my constant not checking before going shopping, have bags of flour and sugar. So I was good in that department. But I was determined to have my pancakes. So I got up, showered, and went to the store. 730am and it was already the temperature of the surface of the sun outside. Yay. When I finally got into the store and into air conditioning- I grabbed the essentials, and hot dogs for some reason, no buns... just hot dogs, and got myself home. When I got home I realized there were dishes to clean and I usually can't cook without a clean sink. Because I get it all dirty again. Nothing is worse than a double dirty sink! Goodness this is a lot of work to have these pancakes. But I was determined! 

With all chores done and the temperature quickly rising, I got down to business. As I laid out the ingredients I expected to turn into Matilda and "Send Me On My Way" would just start magically playing. No such luck as I just found myself standing in the kitchen sweating like a pig and listening to the sound of the heat bugs. A girl can dream, maybe someday! By the way, my pancakes came out much cuter than Matilda's anyway : )

This recipe makes 4 good sized pancakes give or take. They aren't very fluffy, but it's all good because I don't like fluffy. So judge accordingly if these are for you. They are darn good though, so I suggest you try it anyway. Let get on with it shall we?

-1 cup flour
-2 tbs sugar
-1 1/2 tsp baking powder
-1/4 tsp salt
-1 cup milk
-1 egg
-2 tbs melted butter
-1 tsp vanilla extract

1. In a bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
2. In a separate bowl combine the milk, egg, melted butter, and vanilla extract.
3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and combine well. Be careful not to overmix. Just get the lumps out- you don't want to develop the gluten in the flour!
4. If it's very hot like today, you can cook on the tar outside! If you'd like to be a little more civilized though, grab a large non stick skillet and put it on medium heat.
5. You can use some cooking spray or go the flavorful route and slap some butter in there!
6. When your pan comes to a good heat, ladle however much batter you'd like into the pan. I went with about a half cup, maybe a little more.
7. This is the part where it's all up to you. You can wait for a ton of bubbles to come to the surface and flip or you can wait for just a few to come up and flip. I like my pancakes a bit more dense to the point of juuuust cooked so I go for less bubbles. But whatever floats your boat. This is also the point where you can put "things" in your pancakes. I did one with chocolate chips, but you could put Nutella, or bananas, or strawberries, or whatever!
8. When they are to your liking, flip! 
9. Let the pancake cook for just a couple minutes, if that, on the other side and slide it right on out of the pan onto a waiting plate. 
*Tip- if you aren't planning on eating these right away, say if you want to do breakfast in bed but your man is still sleeping. But you want to get these things done as soon as possible so you can take yet another shower because this heat is killing you and also so you don't look like a beast when you present them to him, put your oven on 175F and you can keep the pancakes warm in there for now!* 
10. Repeat until the batter is all used up.
11. Top with whatever your heart desires and dig in!

Those little spots of heaven are what I like to call butter nuggets. Yes, little pockets of melted butter. These are going to be killer pancakes you can just tell!
Chocolate chips WITH butter nuggets?! #DearFutureHusband

These are sure to impress. So even if you don't have time to get that second shower in, maybe the way the pancakes look, taste, and smell will distract your man from your appearance! If all that doesn't matter to him, well... marry him. 
