Thursday, May 21, 2015

Travel Times

One of my friends recently went on a trip to Paris and Barcelona so that made me think of my trip to London with a touch of Paris a couple years ago. I went with this same friend, so she's getting a bit of double action here. Uncalled for. 

It all started with the idea of really wanting to travel to Europe. I have been here and there, but never across the pond. I felt a bit like Cameron Diaz in The Holiday... ok where do they speak English.... England! I had been saving up and just got a new job so I thought, hey, I'm young and I have the money, and I finally have someone who is willing to go with me! So after doing some serious research in typical Meaghan style, I booked the trip and we were set to get ourselves over there. Once the trip was booked I did even more research for food and things to do- found lots of goodies. I made my lists and I was set. I also wanted to get to Paris for a day, so once that was taken care of, we were good to go!

When the time finally came for us to go I was beyond ready to get my travel fix and find an English husband to live happily ever after with. Obviously.

The flight wasn't horrible, the only really annoying thing about it was that we flew from Portland to Chicago and then to London- world class logistics right there. Other than that slight annoyance, it was a clear and smooth flight, food wasn't horrible, and I maybe got a couple hours of sleep... maybe.

Arriving at Heathrow safely there long customs line, but we made it- we were in jolly 'ol England! The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. David Beckham's right foot. David Beckham's left foot, come to that. (Extra points if you guess that movie.)

Looking oh so good after a long day/night/morning of flying. 
View from our room at the Regency Hotel in Kensington. Amazing hotel- very nice, clean, and modern.
The first day we got there was a blur. I remember a nap and one amazing pizza. When I say amazing... I mean amazing. Right near the South Kensington tube station is a hole in the wall Italian place- Sole Luna. I'm not sure if it was the jet lag, the time difference, excitement, sleep eating... but I ate that entire pizza, well minus the crusts. I'm not ashamed, I went HAM on that thing. We even went back again later in the week  and I polished that one off too. There is no need, but I was on vacation! It was also out first taste of local life. We sat down and looked confused I guess... this couple with the loveliest Cockney accents I've ever heard (kind of a funny word to describe the accent, but I like it) gave suggestions and let us in the the specials. Thank you mister and misses Dick Van Dyke!
        **Update. While double checking things, I googled this place and it's closed. This is incredibly sad! While thinking about my future travels when I just happen to breeze through London, this was going to be my first stop every time. Nooooooo.**

After probably the best sleep of my life, we set out on the town! We got a 24 hour open top bus ticket and saw everything... a few times! I definitely suggest doing this first thing when you go to new places. Just a few times around the city and we pretty much knew where everything was! Also I'd like to add that I think we arrived in time for the hottest heat wave there ever has been in London. I was expecting rain and such. I felt like I was back home in late August. The humidity was uncalled for and my hair paid the price! 

A prop from The Godfather, no doubt.

Oh hey Ben!

Now is where I may mix up some of the days- the trip was kind of one long field trip, we didn't stop for a second. I was about ready to cut off the nubbs that were once my feet by the time we got home. Some highlights- The Tower of London, Stonehenge, Harrods, Museums, PARIS, The Globe Theater, Madame Tussauds, Buckingham Palace... just everywhere!
Where you went if you were bad. 
Tower Bridge
Still standing! 
I was on a boat I couldn't help it.

My what a big eye you have...

A bagpiper outside of Harrods. In my best Chandler voice... could I be anymore excited?!
Our day trip to Stonehenge was a long day of driving out to the countryside, but so worth it to see this amazing sight. You can't go too close or I'm sure one of the many crows will pick you off. Plus it's roped, but it's just so mind boggling that these stones have stood the test of time and are still going strong. I don't know how they are still standing but it's amazing! I felt like I was an American version of Claire and Jamie would be on the other side waiting for me... oh a girl can dream. This is also the place where I had my very first sausage roll! It's just sausage in puff pastry but goodness it was so good! I've made some many times for parties and get togethers and they are always one of the first things to go. Especially when I tell my English story with it! People like a good story don't ya know. 

Those people had to be there didn't they...

Guarding the wall... naturally. 

I thought I was pretty artsy.

Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.
Hold on to your butts.
Anyone who knows me knows this scares me to death. 
We went on a Jack the Ripper tour in quite possibly the scariest part of London... at night... in the rain. Just so strange to think that we were standing where people were murdered. Kind of a grim thought, but the history is so fascinating! We had a great tour filled with facts and pictures. The vivid stories told by our guide only painted a stronger picture.

We made it in time fot changing of the guard.

This may be my favorite pictures from the trip. I feel like it so perfectly captures London. This is in Green Park near Buckingham Palace. Don't you just want to sit there forever?!

I had to fight some serious urges to touch on of those hats. It became my mission to find one...
We spent a good chuck at the Tower of London and visiting the Crown Jewels. My obsession with all things Henry VIII only grew from this moment on. You could roam the grounds- we went from the tower, to the Crow Jewels, to the torture chambers and everywhere in between. It was incredible to think that hundreds of years ago these kings and queens walked the halls of this very place. I mean Ann Boleyn was beheaded on the front lawn for crying out loud! My nerd feels were going crazy!

A collection of Henry VIII armor.
A very stylish toilet I must say.
I like to imagine Jonathan Rhys Meyers is lurking somewhere around these halls.  
Nice rack.
There's that hat again.
The entrance to the Crown Jewels. We weren't allowed pictures inside, but I can tell you, I've seen them and they are real! It's a great exhibit. If you're ever in the area, stop on by : )
Ok so Paris... first thing I got totally excited for was a ride on the Chunnel! But I had a brutal awakening when I found out I wouldn't be going through a cool clear tube underwater. No. It's a concrete tunnel through the English Channel. COME ON. I'm such a tourist. So after getting over that it was onto Paris. Once we emerged on the other side it was so stereotypical French countryside. Vast open farm lands with those older than dirt stone farmhouses plopped right in the middle.  Kind of reminded me of Under the Tuscan Sun. Almost made me want to jump off real quick, buy a house, and find some hunky Frenchman. Like that would happen... Anywayyyy, Paris has got to be the most confusing place I've ever been. But it was amazing. The plan was to start of at Notre Dame to visit Lord Frollo and work our way down to the Eiffel Tour with some stops in between. Well, we couldn't find ANY subway stations so we started to walk the million miles to the Eiffel Tower. Of course I couldn't go to Paris without getting a crepe and macarons, so those were eaten for sure. Stopped at the Louvre  the lock bridge, and we finally made it to the Eiffel Tower!

Quasie, you home?!

Very beautiful and very distinct French architecture.

I saw the vision of a really nice picture, but this guy was in every flipping picture I was trying to take no matter where I walked! It was kind of funny, but I fought the urge to yell at him! Just pretend he isn't there- isn't it nice!

There are no words. 

Can you imagine just waking up and going to sit out on your terrace to drink a cup of coffee in the morning... and that's where you live? I'd die.  

I was not fully prepared for how big this thing was. You always see it on tv and in movies and you never realize how gigantic it is. It's like the Grand Canyon, you can't fully comprehend until you've seen it. 

Find the Meaghan!

Well that was delicious. 

Funny story. That last picture is when we finally made it back to the train station by Notre Dame to head back to London. Completely drained from the day we were sitting next to a very nice family, no one was bothering anyone, we were all just tired. Well. I saw in the distance this woman walking up to us, I tried not to make eye contact, but I must have been out of it because I was pretty much locking eyes with her. I tried to look away, but I was hooked somehow and she could sense I was the weakest link. Since I was the only one making eye contact with this clearly disheveled woman, she comes right up to me. ME. Out of everyone else around and starts pointing, waiving her hands, and yelling in French. Naturally I must have looked mortified and I felt I understood fairly well that she wanted me to get out of my seat and give it to her, but in much meaner French words. It was scary, but when you're that tired, everything is pretty funny so I had to laugh when I watched her sit and start to take off her shoes and socks to... air the out? By this time, the nice family moved away from her as well. Smart people. When we finally made it back to the train and sat in our seats yet another pair- mother and daughter this time, haggled us about our seats. Nagging the whole way back to London that we stole their seats. For the record, we offered to switch but they didn't. Get me back to London!

On our last day, we decided to hit up the zoo. We found our way and spent some time with the animals and enjoyed a walk through the park!

Found Tina.

Finally getting home to Maine felt great. I had the most amazing time and can't wait to travel some more. I have a running list so a few more check marks wouldn't hurt. Highly recommend a trip over there- next time I hope to hit Scotland and see the land of my people. That's all for now, thanks for remembering my trip with me : )
